Statutory auditor

Public limited companies, limited liability companies, cooperatives, limited partnerships, asscociations and foundations are subject to audit law. The type of audit basically depends on the size of the organisation. The statutory auditor assumes the following duties: auditing, reporting, obligation to notify, subsidiary management duties and extraordinary auditing duties. Furthermore the statutory auditor is subject to the secrecy of the knowledge obtained about the audited company.
Limited statutory examination

For which companies does a limited statutory examination make sense?

  • Companies that are not obliged to carry out an ordinary audit
Ordinary audit

An ordinary audit is necessary if at least two of the following three values are exceeded in two successive fiscal years:

  • CHF 20 million total assets
  • CHF 40 million sales revenue
  • 250 full time positions (employees)

Who is also ordinary audited?

  • All companies that are required to prepare consolidated financial accounts
  • (Opting-up) If shareholders who combine at least 10% of the share capital requested it
  • If the general assembly or the articles of association decide or ask for an ordinary audit

A company can waive the audit if the full-time employments are a maximum of 10 and the shareholders decide it unanimously.


What is behind it?

  • In practice, e.g. Lenders insists on performing an audit.